Write For Us

Let us discover the writer in you. If you are the one who has a lot in your thoughts and loves to write, then you are in the right place. Dark Magazine welcomes you to our platform, where you can share your mind-blowing thoughts and ideas. From here, you can reach out to the world around you.

We provide you with a platform where you can write your heart out, and with our guide team, we can make it a great blog.

 Write whatever thing is in your mind that you think can be a great help to others to know. We will accept your blog wholeheartedly if it meets our expectations. It must be engaging and detailed. We will feature your post if it perfectly fits our website, and we believe it will. Dark magazine offers you everything a writer needs. Let’s discover what we are in this article.

What We Look for?

Dark magazine looks for posts that help people to know the things around them. To make sure your blog gets featured, you must remember that your blog has all the information and details. It must contain helpful data that has complete information. Let us tell you what we are looking for to increase the chances of getting featured here with us.

  1.  Blogs you write must contain 1000 words at least, and it is something that falls under our magazine needs.
  2. Your blog content should be written with your fundamental ideas and be plagiarism-free because we can’t publish content that is already there.
  3. Your research blogs should contain all the credible links and pointers.
  4. Your blog should not describe anything about the rivals in the market and should not have unnecessary hyperlinks. You can use the related image in your blog.

Topics We Cover

Dark magazine covers a wide range of topics. It’s a perfect platform for writers, small business people, marketers, and content creators. We have a great team who will help you with the blogging tips and make it well-polished to publish. Dark magazines will help you to reach the people who need your ideas and knowledge. Thus, we aim for vast and relatable content for the public. We also have a guest system available so that you can try for the first time to write with us. The guest system in Dark magazine is free of cost, available for new writers who want to start the journey of writing. We seek useful post that will help the community to grow.

We aim for the best post coverage for our readers, and it includes the following topics-

Benefits of Write for us

Dark magazines is beneficial for writers in so many ways. Let’s look at that-

  1. Reach to audience

 Dark Magazine is a great place to post your blog as we provide a huge audience. The one who can relate to your writing will continue to read your upcoming blogs as they will need your ideas. Many people will read your ideas, and they will also get published in our newsletter.

  1. Exposure to social media

Dark magazines have made a place in social media platforms where we have great numbers of audience. We are always active on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. From here, we can help you to get appreciation from the people around you. Your post will get all the love it deserves.

  1. Payment

Dark Magazine is the only platform where you can get the recognition and the audience you need. We don’t pay anything for the blogs. We just help you start your writing journey and share your knowledge with the world.

Things you need to know when You Write for Us

The Dark Magazine platform helps writers get appreciation and recognition for the ideas and knowledge they share with us. We strive to give you an opportunity to build your brand with a large audience. We don’t encourage SEO or AI as we want to connect with real people who have experienced the knowledge they have. It helps real people to connect and grow. Let’s look at the things a person should know when they decide to write with us-

Send your blog or article to our website to get published. Your blog should be real and should meet the need.

To increase your chances of getting published, get connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn

As we get a huge number of articles every month, so you must wait for your turn. We will surely contact you if we select your article to publish in our magazine.

What we need is not a spam submission. So, if it’s real and helpful, then we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss further.

Guidelines for Write for us

Let’s look at what you need to connect with Dark Magazine-

  1.  Read the terms thoroughly and prepare your best pitch correctly before sending it to us.
  2. Fill out Our website form and wait until we get to you.
  3. Please don’t email or DM to our team.
  4. Your post should contain 30 percent of your final article with links, arguments, and conclusions.
  5. As we accept your post for publication, you can start writing the draft as soon as possible.
  6. Our team will review and edit your draft post and make the needed changes to that.
  7. Kindly send your post in an editable Google Doc format.
  8. Dark magazine team will make your post more appealing by making grammatical correction and doing minor changes as per the need. If our team needs to change a wide section of your post, then we will contact you.
  9. Provide the author’s name and bio in a short paragraph of 200 words. Also, provide your social media handle links.
  10. After the process is done, then, we will talk about the dates to publish if you sign off on the final version of your post.
  11. Once the blog is published, to do the promotion, we will give the credit and tag you or your company on our social media platform as well.
  12. Please have patience as we might need a few weeks to review and reach publication.

Guidelines to submit content

Let’s look at the guidelines to submit contents on Dark Magazine-

  1. You must submit the original content, which should be of good quality, to get published because our editor team has all the rights to reject it.
  2. Your blog post should be at least 1000 words, and it should contain worthy information.
  3. We need to provide the best post to our readers. So, we will never compromise with the quality.
  4. You can add one self-serving link in the post. The link you provide should say the real information.
  5. Do not add unnecessary links that are irrelevant to the post. After the publish, you will lose the ownership. The post we publish will be ours and we don’t allow you to publish it on any other website.
  6. To make your post more reachable, you can add related images, and it should not have a copyright.
  7. The image width should be 580 pixels or less.
  8. Give the credit where necessary in the post.
  9. After all the things are done, submit it to our website.
  10. Wait for the response time.
  1. Small Advice from us

When you are writing the post to get published in the Dark magazine, you need to keep in mind that your audience will contain ambitious readers, small businessmen, and marketers. So, Do write accordingly.